I imagine that as sawfilers, we have all experienced that time when our filing room doors burst open and in comes a person yelling, “What is going on with your...
Meloni Janzen |
I imagine that as sawfilers, we have all experienced that time when our filing room doors burst open and in comes a person yelling, “What is going on with your...
Meloni Janzen |
I love to reminisce about old sawmills. I have always been intrigued by the movie Patton, where George S. Patton pulled the jeep off to the side of the road
Meloni Janzen |
Benching a band is a lot like solving a Rubik’s cube: every action must be performed correctly without adversely impacting a previous step. Photo: wachiwit / Adobe Stock
Meloni Janzen |
Let me start by asking, how much tension are you running in your guided saws? The answer should be, “Only as much as needed for the saws to stand up...
Meloni Janzen |
Robotics are now available for our filing rooms. Saw filers can now depend on robotics to do the repetitive work, day in and day out. However, it seems robots with...
Meloni Janzen |
When Enough is enough: True story about hand swaging a bandsaw. CFI saw filing columnist Paul Smith shares a story about a saw filer in Texas whose decision to retire...
Meloni Janzen |
The gullet, the space in front of each tooth that moves the sawdust away from the blade, is not just a random size cut-out in the saw. While the distance...
Meloni Janzen |
In our current economy, I will venture a guess, most readers have made or will be making some large supply or cap-ex purchases for their filing room. Although a saw...
Meloni Janzen |
Make Inroads into U.S.A. with Smith Sawmill Service David Shores invested in a TurboSawmill 10-inch Automated Warrior portable sawmill (shown) to cut lumber for his custom woodworking projects. He subsequently...
Paul Smith |
Lubrication-related filing room equipment failure plagues most sawmills. And it seems the problem is on the rise with the widespread use of automatic grease units. It's easy to become dependent on...
Paul Smith |
It's been said that having a sawmill without a filing room is like having a grocery store without a meat market. I would certainly not argue such a statement, but,...
Paul Smith |
Many mills are finding the current lead time for new saws quite the challenge. The healthcare industry has been fighting this pandemic for over a year now and our industry,...
Paul Smith |
Although bandsaw manufactures are very good at building and putting up bandsaws to your specifications, it is still well advised to go through a check-in-process to fine tune and ensure...
Paul Smith |